[SciPy-user] optimize.leastsq crashs my interpreter

John Hassler hasslerjc at adelphia.net
Fri Jul 7 16:06:32 EDT 2006

Ed Schofield <schofield <at> ftw.at> writes:

> Hans Georg Krauthäuser wrote:
> > Ed Schofield schrieb:
> >   
> >> Jelle Feringa / EZCT Architecture & Design Research wrote:
> >>     
> >>     
> >
> > Did I get that right? My code works for you on XP with scipy 0.4.9?
> >   
> Yes, it works fine on my Pentium 4 with XP SP2, Python 2.4, NumPy 0.9.8,
> SciPy 0.4.9.  What's your setup?
> > I *have* 0.4.9 (from official binary distribution) and the interpreter 
> > crashes.
> >
> > I'm confused...
> >   
> Hmmm ... it could be an ATLAS problem.  What's your processor?  I built
> the SciPy 0.4.9 binaries against Pearu's ATLAS binaries for Pentium 2,
> thinking that this would give maximum compatibility ...
> Or perhaps it's something else.  Could someone with this problem please
> post a backtrace?

This computer is an AMD Athlon 1600+ running Windows XP. Scipy version
0.3.2 with Numeric version 23.5 works. The latest Scipy works on this
same computer under Debian Etch. (I can't check the version at the
moment - - I just "upgraded" from Windows ME to XP, which overwrote the
MBR. I'll have to fix it before I can boot into Linux again.)

All of the versions of scipy using numpy crash with XP whenever I access 
any of the functions in "optimize" or "integrate" which (I assume) call the
Fortran libraries.

In the current version, running scipy.test() gives an "unhandled
exception." Debug shows a pointer to: 
020CA9C3 xorps xmm6,xmm6

I suspect that there is an inconsistency between the Athlon and the P4.
A Google search finds lots of comments about xorps and various problems.
However, I haven't done any PC assembly since the 8086, so I'm WAY out
of my depth.

Some other information: 
>>> scipy.__version__ '0.4.9' 

>>>scipy.__numpy_version__ '0.9.8' 

>>> scipy.show_numpy_config()

atlas_threads_info: NOT AVAILABLE

blas_opt_info: libraries = ['f77blas', 'cblas', 'atlas'] library_dirs =
['C:\\Libraries\\ATLAS_3.6.0_WIN_P4'] define_macros = [('ATLAS_INFO',
'"\\"3.6.0\\""')] language = c include_dirs =

plus similar stuff. Probably the important thing is the "ATLAS ... P4"

John Hassler

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