[SciPy-user] Where do I put site.cfg? What should it contain? Can I build w/o atlas?

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Wed Feb 15 16:26:46 EST 2006

skip at pobox.com wrote:

>I'm trying to build numpy an svn sandbox (just updated a couple minutes
>ago).  If I grub around in numpy/distutils/system_info.py it says something
>about creating a site.cfg file with (for example) information about locating
>atlas.  It says nothing about where this file belongs.  I took a stab and
>placed it in my numpy source tree, right next to setup.py, with these lines:
>Failing all this, is there some way to build numpy/scipy without atlas?  At
>this point I just want the damn thing to build.  I'll worry about
>performance later (if at all).


You need to set the appropriate environment variables to 'None'

In particular, on my system (which is multithreaded and has a BLAS 
picked up from /usr/lib and an unthreaded ATLAS that the system will find)

export PTATLAS='None'
export ATLAS='None'
export BLAS='None'

did the trick.


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