[SciPy-user] scipy on quantian

Arnd Baecker arnd.baecker at web.de
Wed May 5 05:31:17 EDT 2004

Dear SciPy users,

due to joint efforts a working SciPy is available on quantian,
"The Quantian Scientific Computing Environment",
which is a live CD based on knoppix/debian.

So anyone who wants to do see what SciPy has to offer for him
can test this without installing anything.
(It might be also useful for Windows users to see
how things look like on linux).

Thanks go to Jose Fonseca for building the debian packages,
Dirk Edelbuettel for quantian and his extremely fast and helpful response
and Ulf Lorenz for a lot of testing.



P.S.: Actually, maybe this is worth a link on the new scipy webpage?

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