[SciPy-user] Re: Scipy help?

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Mon Apr 26 10:23:01 EDT 2004

On Sun, 25 Apr 2004, Christopher Fonnesbeck wrote:

> On Apr 25, 2004, at 1:11 AM, Simon Garrett wrote:
> > As you can probably see, my installs were all from source tar-balls, if
> > that makes any difference, downloaded from the sites pointed at by the
> > Mac/SciPy webpage I mentioned.
> The setup.py file in the 0.3 release needs to be altered before 
> compiling on OSX. In particular, lines 103 and 104 need to be 
> uncommented in order for a successful build. These lines are 
> uncommented in CVS, but not in the 0.3 source tarball.

The setup.py file both in 0.3 tar-ball and CVS contains:

    101 if __name__ == "__main__":
    102     ignore_packages = [
    103         #'sparse',
    104         #'kiva','freetype','chaco','traits',
    105         ]
    106     if sys.platform in ['win32','cygwin']:

Uncommenting line #104 has not effect as scipy does not contain 
kiva,freetype,.. packages anymore.
Uncommenting line #103 would disable building sparce module. What are the 
sparse building failures on OSX that you want to disable it?


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