[SciPy-user] SciPy and PyGSL

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Fri Mar 28 10:48:11 EST 2003

>>>>> "RM" == Richard Muller <rpm at wag.caltech.edu> writes:

    RM> I've been spending a little time getting to know the Gnu
    RM> Scientific Library. It shares a lot of the strengths with
    RM> SciPy. I notice that there is a fledgling effort to make
    RM> python wrappers to the GSL, and I now wonder how the SciPy
    RM> community sees such an effort: competition, fellow warriors,
    RM> or potential successor?

    RM> I for one would like to see the GSL become more of a standard
    RM> in the scientific computing field, so I'd like to see PyGSL
    RM> get support. But not necessarily at the expense of
    RM> SciPy. Thoughts?

IIRC, the biggest issue with GSL is the GPL license.  SciPy uses a BSD
style license.  Since the GPL is so restrictive, if SciPy even linked
to libgsl, SciPy would need to be released as GPL.  Dual licensing as
GPL/BSD is meaningless.

 We are the Borg of FSF, non-GPL is futile, you will be GPL'd! :)

Sorry could not resist that one!


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