[SciPy-user] MacNewbie needs MacHelp

Gary Pajer pajer at iname.com
Tue Jul 15 21:58:03 EDT 2003

I have a perfectly functional system on WinXP, and a serviceable one on
Linux.  So of course my new employer is Mac centric.  I have no religious
attachement to anything, but I am all thumbs on the Mac. Never touched one.
it's  OS X, 10.1

I have the fink version of python running, and the fink version of Numeric.
and X11.  Idle runs.  Numeric works.

How the heck do I get scipy up?  I started with the fink version because I
want to use the visual package, which claims to work only with the fink

There's a fink package called scipy-2002xxxxx in the unstable area.  As an
example of my expertise with Mac, I can't figure out how to copy the .info
file from the "unstable" directory to the "local" directory (as directed by
some instructions somewhere).

Any help?

Once I get this nailed down, I'll start looking for a mouse with three
buttons ...


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