[SciPy-user] Error Compiling Scipy

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Sun Jan 19 17:18:51 EST 2003

On Sun, 19 Jan 2003, Jeffrey Stephens wrote:

> Thanks.  I commented out the code, and the compile finished.  I just tried
> running the tests, and got some errors followed by a segmentation fault.
> I think I may have hosed the installation, because I first installed the from 
> binary, but got an immediate segmentation fault as soon as executed:
> 		>>> from scipy import *
> So then I downloaded the source tarball and installed that over the binary.
> What would you recommend?  Should I delete everything, and start over?
> If so, should I download from CVS instead of using the source tarball?  Also,
> I didn't pay any attention to where the installed files went.  Can they be
> conveniently deleted by removing a directory or directories?  Thanks.

Yes, starting over from deleting everything and downloading scipy from
CVS might be a good idea. Packages related to Scipy are: scipy_base,
gui_thread, scipy_distutils, scipy, and scipy_test. They all are installed
to <prefix>/lib/python<version>/site-packages directory where you can
remove. To build scipy, run
  python setup_scipy_core.py install
  python setup_scipy.py install
in scipy CVS directory.


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