[SciPy-user] Install failed for SciPy

Jeffrey B. Layton laytonjb at bellsouth.net
Sun Oct 13 19:54:15 EDT 2002

Good evening,

   I've started to install SciPy and I received an error:

ifc -shared build/temp.linux-i686-2.2/cephesmodule.o 
build/temp.linux-i686-2.2/ufunc_extras.o -Lbuild/temp.linux-i686-2.2 
-Lbuild/temp.linux-i686-2.2 -lamos -ltoms -lc_misc -lcephes -lmach -lcdf 
-lspecfun -o build/lib.linux-i686-2.2/scipy/special/cephes.so
/opt/intel/compiler60/ia32/lib/libF90.a(int8.o): In function `isnan':
int8.o(.text+0x4c40): multiple definition of `isnan'
first defined here
ld: Warning: size of symbol `isnan' changed from 51 to 80 in 
error: command 'ifc' failed with exit status 1

   I'll try to give you all of the details about the setup.
It's a RH 7.3 system on an Athlon XP 1800+. The kernel
is a custom 2.4.18 kernel with the "jam0" patches installed
(http://giga.cps.unizar.es/~magallon/linux/kernel/). These
patches include the -aa patches.
   I'm using python-2.2 that came with RH 7.3. If I run the
command: '/usr/bin/python2.2 -c 'import os,sys;print os.name,sys.platform'
here are the results:

[root at home3 SciPy-0.2.0_alpha_142.4307]# /usr/bin/python2.2 -c 'import 
os,sys;print os.name,sys.platform'
posix linux2

   I'm using the Intel Fortran compiler and gcc-3.1.1 that
I build into my account using the directions from the
ATLAS homepage. Here is the result of using 'ifc -V'

Intel(R) Fortran Compiler for 32-bit applications, Version 6.0   Build 
Copyright (C) 1985-2002 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

   I built ATLAS using gcc-3.1.1 and ifc. I also built the ATLAS
test suite and ran the F77 version. I received no errors.
   I compiled LAPACK-3.0 with ifc using the following options:

-Vaxlib -ip -O2 -w90 -w95 -axK -tpp6 -unroll -mp1 -fp_port -prefetch -xK 
-unfoll -align

and used '-Vaxlib' in the link command.
   I copied these libraries to /usr/local/lib/atlas and reran ranlib on
   I installed Numeric 20.1.0 and fftw (via the RPMs: fftw-2.1.3-1).
I also installed f2py (F2PY-2.23.190-1369) with python-2.2.
   I'm using /usr/bin/python2.2, but the install script may have
tried to use /usr/bin/python. I'm not sure if this is my problem
are not.
   I'm building SciPy-0.2.0_alpha_142.4307.

Thanks for any and all help!


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