[SciPy-Dev] Github workflow

Matthias Geier matthias.geier at gmail.com
Fri Oct 11 13:44:53 EDT 2019

On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 8:35 AM Andrew Nelson wrote:
> devs,
> I'm involved in giving some feedback to Github at the moment, as related to how SciPy users experience Github. Does anyone have any feedback on:
> - Bugs / Feature requests - are there Github workflows you want to enable? What's the specific feature you want?
> This would be an ideal opportunity to tell GIthub of those features you'd really like to see fixed or implemented.

I think this is a nice list by Aaron Meurer:

What annoys me most is that in long discussions some comments are
hidden/collapsed and large diffs are also not shown by default.
Typically, those are the most interesting and I can't use the "search"
function of the browser to locate things.


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