[SciPy-Dev] question of scope wavelet code

Aaron O'Leary aaron.oleary at gmail.com
Wed May 13 05:26:22 EDT 2015

On Sun 10 May, Sturla Molden wrote:
> If we get rid of all the unneccesary C in PyWavelets, I think we end up
> with a tiny bit of Cython (eg. in the dwt and idwt functions) and the rest
> can be Python. There is no reason to use C or Cython outside the
> computationally expensive routines, by PyWavelets does that everywhere.

Does this actually need doing before including it in scipy though? As
long as we don't break the api, does this need to be a barrier? I think
it will get a lot more eyes on it once included in scipy.

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