GUI tools and upsizing

Neil Yager yager.neil at
Tue Feb 21 02:04:33 EST 2012

I agree that there are some benefits of both viewers. However, I work
a lot with 16-bit greyscale, and I like the pan & zoom of the
matplotlib-based viewer. Therefore, I've found myself using the
TIFFFile one more lately. Adding the line profile & some contrast
adjustment to this viewer would be great.


On Feb 20, 11:11 am, Guillaume Gay <guilla... at>
> Ok, I can give it a try...
> Some questions then:
> - skivi is pure Qt, so must I keep it that way (no matplotlib dependency)?
> - skivi is good for RGB images, but not so much for greyscale... Also
> data conversion from uint16 to uint8 turns everything black (it set
> anything > 256 to 0), shall this be corrected?
> -Christoph Gohlke tifffile.imshow() is somehow closer to what us
> microscopy guys are expecting (more suitable for those greyscale
> multipage tiffs), though some features of the fancy viewer such as the
> contrast settings, are great. Also it is a pure matplotlib
> implementation and the intensity value reading is already there. So my
> question is:
> Are those tools needed by the general image analysis skimage community
> are more by scientific tiff users? If the latest, my guess is that
> building on top of matplotlib and Christoph's implementation of imshow
> is a better tactic (plus it would be more cross platform, as this can be
> a widget irrespective of the backend).
> Cheers,
> Guillaume
> Le 20/02/2012 08:04, Stéfan van der Walt a écrit :
> > On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 6:53 AM, Guillaume Gay
> > <guilla... at>  wrote:
> >> I just happen to code a simple linescan function, if that helps...
> > Thanks, Guillaume!  If you could integrate this with the fancy Qt
> > imshow to display the line, that would be wonderful, but otherwise I'm
> > sure we'll still be able to use this code.
> > Stéfan
>  guillaume.vcf
> < 1KViewDownload

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