[Pythonmac-SIG] Python-Ogre on Mac OS X?

Joe Strout joe at strout.net
Thu Nov 27 02:34:48 CET 2008

I've just stumbled across the Python-Ogre project (http://www.pythonogre.com/ 
).  It looks fantastic, but the only binary is for Windows.  That  
seems a little silly for a set of cross-platform-language bindings to  
a cross-platform library.  :)

There are older build instructions for Mac OS X available, as well as  
Linux (and pretty much anything that works on Linux can be made to  
work on OS X).  And of course OS X has high-quality OpenGL drivers  
built in, and a great uniformity of hardware and OS configurations  
compared to Linux or Windows.  So it ought to be fairly easy to keep  
this running well on the Mac, enabling great Python 3D game  
development that's truly cross-platform.

But I don't know if I can do all that myself... is anyone else here  
interested in this?  Perhaps we could share the maintenance.

- Joe

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