[Pythonmac-SIG] noob question: handling protocols and files

Kevin Dangoor dangoor at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 19:43:40 CEST 2005

>     $ open pydoc:///os.open
> This will open the pydoc for os.open in the applet. I guess a <a
> href="pydoc:///os.open"> in a HTML file will also work.

Wow. That should be a great example for me! Thanks!

> The important issue that kept me guessing for a while is that the
> AppleEvent is GURL/GURL, while gurl/gurl is used in
> Carbon.AppleEvents (and the system headers, this is not really a bug
> in MacPython).

That's very odd. I did notice that the LaunchServices doc said GURL,
but I had been assuming that the Apple Events documentation (which
says gurl) was correct.

Thanks again. It's always good to have confirmation about exactly
where I'm going wrong :)


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