[Pythonmac-SIG] \r in string causes eval to fail

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Thu Sep 16 13:08:01 CEST 2004

"Chris Barker" <Chris.Barker at noaa.gov> writes:

> Michael Hudson wrote:
>> "Chris Barker" <Chris.Barker at noaa.gov> writes:
>>>Michael Hudson wrote:
>>>>Semi-seriously, I'd guess that everyone who's bumped into this has
>>>>found it easier to normalize the line feeds in Python than hack the
>>>>parser (it's a little scary).
>>>Would you need to hack the parser? I'd be inclined to simply put a
>>>filter in before the parser, just like I'd do in user code:
>>>CodeString = FixLineFeeds(CodeString)
>> Did you read what I said?
> yes, but I didn't write what I meant, at least not clearly.

Ah, OK :-)

> What I was trying to say was that rather than hack the parser, one
> could just insert a line feed fixer _before_ the parser, INSIDE eval
> and friends, essentially moving the python code I wrote, into eval. I
> can't imagine this would be hard, but it wouldn't get you any
> performance benefits over just writing one extra line of python.

Yes, that would work too.  I'd much rather write line-ending
normalizing code in Python than in C, though...

Oh well, it's not my itch and I'm not going to scratch it.


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