[Pythonmac-SIG] Finder Crash, after moving files....

Benjamin Schollnick junkster at rochester.rr.com
Sat Jul 3 06:22:18 EDT 2004


	(This is a resend... I sent the original with the wrong email 

	I know I asked about this before... But...

	The following script will crash the finder, in a repeatable manner....

	After, roughly, only .... <cough> <cough> four thousand and twenty 
five <cough> <cough> findertools.move's, the finder will crash....

	This finder crash also seems to take down Safari if it is running....  
(No other applications, just the Finder and Safari...

	Actually, technically the finder is running...  But you have the 
spinning pizza wheel, and your only recourse is to relaunch the 

	Also...  I can't find the directory that findertools or EasyDialogs is 
now stored in....  I am running on 10.3.4, and this has happened for a 
long time...  I never thought to see if it is reproducable or 

			- Benjamin

Btw-> If anyone asks, this is usually run on my download directory...  
Well, actually a different script is run on my download directory to 
"clean it up", and make subdirectories, and move files.

	I just changed the way that script works, so I need to "remove" the 
old subdirectories and have it process them again...  So I whipped this 

import sys
import os

from bas_common import *

mac_mode = macintosh

if mac_mode:
	import macostools
	import findertools
#	import macfs
	import EasyDialogs

def		move_file ( old_path, new_path, filename ):
#		print "old: ",old_path
#		print "new:",new_path
#		print "filename:",filename
#		print "old + file:", old_path + os.sep + filename

		if os.path.exists (new_path + os.sep + filename):
			Ask = EasyDialogs.AskYesNoCancel("Duplicate File Detected (%s), 
Overwrite?" % filename, default = 1, yes=None, no=None, cancel=None, 
			if Ask == 1:
				if mac_mode:
					# Overwrite, by removing the old file
					os.remove(new_path + os.sep + filename)
			elif Ask == 0:
					#	Do not overwrite, end routine, by returning
				return 0
			elif Ask == -1:
					#	Abort program, return error code
				return -1
		if mac_mode:
			findertools.move (old_path + os.sep + filename, new_path)
		return None

if len(sys.argv) < 1:
	print "Aborted...."

sources = EasyDialogs.AskFolder ( message="Please choose a folder to 
print sources

sources = sources.strip()
print sources

found = os.listdir ( sources )
if found == None or found =="":
	print "No directory selected."

number_of_entries = len(found)
count = 0

for j in found:
	new_directory = sources + os.sep + j
	if os.path.isdir ( new_directory ):
		files = os.listdir ( new_directory )
		if len(files) > 1:
			print "\n",new_directory

		for x in files:
			if x.upper() == ".DS_STORE":
				print " ",count," ",
				#print new_directory, "  ", sources, "  ", x
				move_file ( new_directory, sources, x)#, new_dir, filename )
				count = count +1
				print ".",


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