[Pythonmac-SIG] ANN: aeve 0.0.1 - Pythonic Apple Event support

Jack Jansen Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl
Tue Jul 29 00:57:25 EDT 2003

I had a fairly quick look at your stuff, and I'm flabbergasted! I'm 
typing this with gaffer-tape around my head to stop it from exploding!! 
I haven't installed anything yet (I don't want to fiddle with my 
machine just before 2.3:-) but I can see lots of potential already.

How about us two (and maybe any other interested parties, but I can't 
think of anyone except maybe Donovan) forming a task force, cleaning 
this stuff up (there's still quite a bit of horrible gensuitemodule in 
there, it seems:-), coming up with nifty additions (AppleScript->Python 
conversion, at least of simple statements, should be doable! 
Hyperlinked documentation based on your html-generation!) and getting 
that into 2.4? Or actually, there's no reason we couldn't release it 
earlier, as it doesn't have to break the old stuff (which would then 
get a depracation warning in 2.4).

On vrijdag, jul 25, 2003, at 07:02 Europe/Amsterdam, Bob Ippolito wrote:

> For those of you that like yourselves too much to attempt 
> gensuitemodule, I've been working on a replacement that's a few orders 
> of magnitude easier to use.  Basically, this lets Python do most 
> things you could do from Script Editor in a very dynamic way.
> You can fetch it at:
> http://undefined.org/python/aeve-0.0.1.tgz
> aeve does not require you to spit out a bunch of py files before 
> talking to an app, it's as easy as this:
> import aeve
> iTunes = aeve.talkto('/Applications/iTunes.app')
> print iTunes.current_track.name
> Of course, for those great applications that have broken aevt 
> dictionaries, you can use the compiler to generate .py files, like 
> this:
> cd aeve/scripts
> ./compiler.py -o . /Applications/iTunes.app
> Which will spit out a python package called iTunes, with all of the 
> relevant .py files.  It's not quite pretty printed, but it's good 
> enough to fix things (for example, adding the undocumented artwork 
> element to the track class).
> The latest feature, which I just finished a few minutes ago, is html 
> documentation.  Here's an example:
> http://undefined.org/python/aeve/iTunes_doc/
> As you can tell, I was pretty uninspired and copied the look and feel 
> of Script Editor's dictionary.  This documentation was spit out with 
> the following:
> cd aeve/scripts
> ./aevedoc.py /Applications/iTunes.app
> There are currently two example scripts included:
> 	missingTrackFinder.py - seeks out and destroys file tracks in your 
> playlist whose file is missing (there are plenty of status and 
> question dialogs, so it's pretty safe)
> 	spamStatusMessage.py - a little script I've been using to set my 
> iChat status message to the number of spams I've filtered _that day_.  
> Most people probably don't have the same Mail.app structure as I do, 
> but it's rather easy to change around if you want to play.
> If you get a chance to play with aeve, I'm looking for feedback/bug 
> reports - especially from those of you that have used or are using 
> gensuitemodule, or have never used Apple Events.
> -bob
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- Jack Jansen        <Jack.Jansen at oratrix.com>        
http://www.cwi.nl/~jack -
- If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 
Goldman -

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