[Pythonmac-SIG] ANN: aeve 0.0.1 - Pythonic Apple Event support

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Jul 25 02:02:49 EDT 2003

For those of you that like yourselves too much to attempt 
gensuitemodule, I've been working on a replacement that's a few orders 
of magnitude easier to use.  Basically, this lets Python do most things 
you could do from Script Editor in a very dynamic way.

You can fetch it at:

aeve does not require you to spit out a bunch of py files before 
talking to an app, it's as easy as this:

import aeve
iTunes = aeve.talkto('/Applications/iTunes.app')
print iTunes.current_track.name

Of course, for those great applications that have broken aevt 
dictionaries, you can use the compiler to generate .py files, like this:
cd aeve/scripts
./compiler.py -o . /Applications/iTunes.app

Which will spit out a python package called iTunes, with all of the 
relevant .py files.  It's not quite pretty printed, but it's good 
enough to fix things (for example, adding the undocumented artwork 
element to the track class).

The latest feature, which I just finished a few minutes ago, is html 
documentation.  Here's an example:
As you can tell, I was pretty uninspired and copied the look and feel 
of Script Editor's dictionary.  This documentation was spit out with 
the following:
cd aeve/scripts
./aevedoc.py /Applications/iTunes.app

There are currently two example scripts included:
	missingTrackFinder.py - seeks out and destroys file tracks in your 
playlist whose file is missing (there are plenty of status and question 
dialogs, so it's pretty safe)
	spamStatusMessage.py - a little script I've been using to set my iChat 
status message to the number of spams I've filtered _that day_.  Most 
people probably don't have the same Mail.app structure as I do, but 
it's rather easy to change around if you want to play.

If you get a chance to play with aeve, I'm looking for feedback/bug 
reports - especially from those of you that have used or are using 
gensuitemodule, or have never used Apple Events.


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