[Pythonmac-SIG] What should be on sys.path for MacPython 2.3

Michael Hudson mwh@python.net
Mon, 14 Apr 2003 07:35:10 +0100

Tony Lownds <tony@lownds.com> writes:

>>Hmm, hmm, you have a point here (the nice and short name), but I'm not
>>convinced yet that stuffing other directories in here is a good idea.
>>Also, we have the version number problem, so it should at the very least
>>be ~/Library/Python/2.3/.
> With a version number in the path, where do users put
> version-independent modules? Or do they have to migrate them when they
> upgrade versions of python?
> For extension modules, I can definitely see the need for a per-version
> directory, but I also see a need for users - not just distutils and
> PIMP - to put files under ~/Library/Python and /Library/Python.

Given that .pycs between (major) versions are more-or-less never
copmatible, this isn't actually such a good idea.


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