[Pythonmac-SIG] MP Task Threads and Embedded Python

Bill Orcutt mailing-l@pobox.com
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 09:26:56 -0700

on 4/9/03 2:46 AM, Jack Jansen at Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl wrote:

> The problem is that MacPython uses GUSI for I/O, and GUSI emulates
> Posix threads on top of the Thread Manager. As far as I remember the
> Thread Manager and MP threads are mutually incompatible.

The problem seems to be safety- I'm finding that my code works sometimes,
but often causes terrific crashes.  I'm basing my work mainly on this
article: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=3641 which is intended
for a unix/pthread audience.

Well, coming at it from another angle- has anyone had any experience calling
the python api from any thread (threadmanager, or other) on the classic OS?

I've been hacking away at it this for nearly a week, so I'm about ready to
give up and go another way, but I thought I'd send out one last SOS.

Thanks for your help on this and other questions in the past. Great group.
