[Pythonmac-SIG] Using fink 2.2's site-packages in MacPython

Ryan Wilcox ryanwilcox@mac.com
Thu, 3 Apr 2003 09:41:39 -0500

On 4/3/03, at 5:02 AM, Lance Boyle said:

>ow, I want to get happy using MacPython 2.2.2. I want to make the fink 
>site-packages directory work with MacPython, so I use EditPythonPrefs 
>and add a few lines to the list of search paths 
>(/sw/lib/bla_bla_bla--see below).

Is there any real reason why you want to use MacPython? I believe using
MacPython-OSX (MachOPython) would let you use your site-packages packages. I
believe it has all of the same features of MacPython, AND allows you to use the
unix things too.

If you don't mind trying out Python 2.3, Robin Dunn has a Installer-type
application on his website: http://wxpython.org/download.php

If you want compatibility with OS 9 machines, you're probably in for a recompile
of those packages.

-Ryan Wilcox

Wilcox Design: Understanding Data              http://www.wilcoxd.com