[Python.NET] pip and wheel

davidacoder davidacoder at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 28 19:17:14 CET 2013

That is great news.


I originally suggested that a binary wheel upload to pypi might be good, but
thinking about that I'm actually not so sure anymore that that is needed.
Maybe just a source release with a working setup.py would do? After all, on
windows msbuild and the c# compiler are installed by default on pretty much
any machine in any case, compile times shouldn't be much of a problem, and
so if my understanding of pip is correct, we could have full pip support
with a source release on pypi.


I actually also saw that Tony's fork had a setupwin.py already, so I guess
it would be a matter of integrating that stuff into the default setup.py,
making sure that it works on windows/linux/osx and clr/mono, and that should
get us pretty close to getting "pip install pythonnet" work, right?





From: PythonDotNet
[mailto:pythondotnet-bounces+davidacoder=hotmail.com at python.org] On Behalf
Of Bradley Friedman
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 12:01 PM
To: pythondotnet at python.org
Subject: Re: [Python.NET] pip and wheel


And have worked for me with mono on OSX both under mono-develop and also via
make.  Both with precompiled 32-bit mono and also custom compiled 64-bit
mono.  With some hammering.  If we made an effort to get it set right for
pypi, I'd think it would be worth getting that build support settled once
and for all as well.




On Nov 28, 2013, at 12:33 PM, Barton <barton at bcdesignswell.com
<mailto:barton at bcdesignswell.com> > wrote:

On point #1:
Yes, both package management and the unmanaged exports package work
correctly on linux under MD.

On 11/27/2013 1:38 AM, Kyle Rocha wrote:

I would like to continue to see proper mono support available.

That does lead me to some questions about that unmanaged exports package.
1. Does that stuff work correctly when you're using something like

2. Why was the change made to use that over the manually written clr
bindings? Was it only to simplify the binding process?

/ Kyle 

On Nov 26, 2013 9:18 AM, "davidacoder" <davidacoder at hotmail.com
<mailto:davidacoder at hotmail.com> > wrote:



I think one major barrier for easier adoption of pythondotnet right now is
setup, i.e. how you get to a point where you can just use it.


I think there are a couple of issues:


- the download page on sourceforge is confusing. There are five folders on
the first page that don't seem to follow some common naming scheme. Three
have a pythonnet version in it, one doesn't have any version in the name and
the last one refers to a CLR version. If I land there I just don't know what
to do next.

- There doesn't seem to be a win x64 download, which I would assume to be
the major version in use right now.

- In general the builds seem to be old

- There don't seem to be mono builds (although, should there be?)


At the same time I feel that with the new package stuff happening in the
general python world the idea of having a binary zip file download is
getting old in any case.


One potentially elegant way around this is to provide binary wheels for
pythondotnet that are hosted on pypi.python.org <http://pypi.python.org/>
for windows. I don't know how the mono stuff would work and multi-platform
things, though. In any case, I think it should be feasible at that point to
simply use pip to install pythondotnet:


pip install pythondotnet


and that would do the trick. And now that pip is bundled in the default
python distribution, I feel that would essentially solve the distribution
problem completely, right? I think such a pip install should just make the
clr module available for import. I am less sure whether such a wheel install
should also put npython.exe somewhere onto the path (scripts folder?).








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