[python-win32] Possible future direction for PyGUI on Win32

Michael Foord fuzzyman at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 14:21:32 CET 2011

On 1 March 2011 07:44, Octavian Rasnita <orasnita at gmail.com> wrote:

> From: "Greg Ewing" <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz>
>> Octavian Rasnita wrote:
>>> From: "Greg Ewing" <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz>
>>>  No, if I go this way, I would probably stop maintaining
>>>> the current implementation.
>>> Oh, in that case imho I think this is a very bad idea.
>> Can you elaborate on exactly what is bad about it, and
>> suggest an alternative?
> Windows Forms - based apps have a few disadvantages:
> - First, the most important, and with no solution is that Win32 GUI widgets
> are much fast responsive than Windows Forms,

I've written (quite large) desktop Windows Forms applications with .NET and
just not found this to be the case - even when written with IronPython which
isn't the fastest .NET language there is.

> and it is annoying to use Windows Forms - based apps with the keyboard;

This need not be the case. You just need to set tab order and provide

> - Second, it is harder to create executables that include the support for
> DotNet, because it is not sure that DotNet is available.

.NET is pretty ubiquitous these days - see other emails on the topic.

> The package should be either very big and include DotNet,

Definitely not.

> or it should detect if it is not present and offer the possibility of
> downloading it from the web, but some computers are not connected to the
> internet...;

Installers can detect this and provide a link.

> - Windows Forms offer very many accessibility features for screen readers,
> however this GUI is *always* less accessible than the standard Win32 widgets
> for those who need to use a screen reader.

Evidence for this?

> - I think there are solutions for making Windows Forms - based apps
> already, and they can be used if somebody prefers to use this GUI, so it
> wouldn't be a good idea to dupplicate it and offer the same interface.
The point is for writing *cross platform* applications that just happen to
use Windows Forms on Windows.

All the best,

Michael Foord

>> The standard Windows GUI API is severely crippled compared
>> to what is available natively in Cocoa and Gtk. The only
>> alternatives I see at the moment are:
>> * Allow Windows to hold back the development of PyGUI on
>> all the other platforms.
>> * Implement the missing functionality on Windows in pure
>> Python -- a lot of work, and probably not practical for
>> something complex such as a rich text or HTML widget.
>> * Rely on a third party library to supply the missing
>> functionality on Windows.
>> --
>> Greg
> I don't know which of these ways would be the most simple to implement, but
> it is true that it will be more difficult, because I've seen how these
> problems were solved in other GUIs like wxWIDGETS and SWT.
> wxWIDGETS offers custom widgets for those which are not offered by the
> standard Win32 API, but most of them are badly made with no corresponding
> accessibility features, and if those widgets are used in an application,
> they could steal the focus or make other problems that make the whole
> application not accessible for those who use a screen reader.
> So a better solution than the one offered by wxWIDGETS would mean much more
> work.
> In SWT, as far as I know, those widgets which are not offered by the Win32
> API are not offered at all, but I am not sure, so others who may know more
> can comment. But if this is true, this is not an extraordinary solution
> either.
> However, I don't know if the focus should be to offer all the possible
> widget types under all platforms, because now there are more and more
> platforms considered, like different kind of PDAs and mobile phones, and it
> would probably be very hard or impossible to offer a GUI that can do
> everything everywhere.
> Octavian
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