[python-win32] Possible future direction for PyGUI on Win32

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Tue Mar 1 11:05:09 CET 2011

On 28/02/2011 09:40, Tim Golden wrote:
> Well, the last Svn commit was 4 weeks ago, by "barton_c", and Python27
> "support" (ie switches") were added 2 months ago. Looks like "Barton_C"
> needs to do some advertising. I'll see if I can contact him/her through
> sf.

Got this reply from Barton, who's not subscribed to this list:

Using the current state of the art, I freely mix wxPython, MS Framework 
2.0 (others are hooking to .NET 4.0) and ctypes in full GUI apps and 
The current challenge for me is getting the whole thing working 
(together) on Ubuntu Maverick (10.10).
I have brought the PythonDotNet project up to python27 compatibility, 
but have not published the binaries yet.



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