[python-win32] Possible future direction for PyGUI on Win32

Octavian Rasnita orasnita at gmail.com
Sun Feb 27 09:20:53 CET 2011

From: "Greg Ewing" <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz>
From: Octavian Rasnita [mailto:orasnita at gmail.com]

> If it will still be possible to use the standard Win32 GUI,
> it is OK to be able to use Windows Forms as an adition.

No, if I go this way, I would probably stop maintaining
the current implementation. I don't want to have to
support two backends on Windows, and some of the things
I intend to do with Windows Forms would be impractical
to do using the raw Win32 API.


Oh, in that case imho I think this is a very bad idea.


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