[python-win32] ide for python 3.x

Werner F. Bruhin werner.bruhin at free.fr
Mon May 17 08:45:53 CEST 2010


On 17/05/2010 08:25, Vineet Deodhar wrote:
> Hi !
> Recently I have started learning python.
> Till now, I have been programming with VFP & MySQL.
> I explored the web looking for the IDE for Python.
> _Dabo is an excellent framework. (but the IDE is still to be developed,
> I think)._
> As far as open-source IDE's are considered, I couldn't locate one having
> UI design toolkit.
> (by UI design, what I mean is that -- e.g. click on a form control, and
> drag it to the designer area, resize it visually, without writing any
> code manually).
> Further, tools like wxPython are supporting only upto Python 2.6
> Same case with Netbeans 6.8.
> Does anybody know whether an IDE (open-source) is available which
> supports Python 3.x and GUI toolkit?
Note that there quit a few libraries not yet supporting 3.x, unless you 
have an absolute need for 3.x I would suggest that you go with 2.6.

With regards to IDE, you might want to look at Boa 
(https://sourceforge.net/projects/boa-constructor/), not supporting 3.x 
either, I use it on Py 2.5 and 2.6 with wxPython 2.8.


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