[python-win32] ide for python 3.x

Vineet Deodhar d_vineet at yahoo.com
Mon May 17 08:25:46 CEST 2010

Hi !
Recently I have started learning python.
Till now, I have been programming with VFP & MySQL.
I explored the web looking for the IDE for Python.
Dabo is an excellent framework. (but the IDE is still to be developed, I think).
As far as open-source IDE's are considered, I couldn't locate one having UI design toolkit.
(by UI design, what I mean is that -- e.g. click on a form control, and drag it to the designer area, resize it visually, without writing any code manually). 
Further, tools like wxPython are supporting only upto Python 2.6
Same case with Netbeans 6.8.
Does anybody know whether an IDE (open-source) is available which supports Python 3.x and GUI toolkit?
Vineet Deodhar

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