[python-win32] Might be a easy problem.

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Mon Apr 6 19:42:51 CEST 2009

Fleu Risseur wrote:
> Thank you for your anwser
> May I say that this answer  "gives no solution" and mocks the author,
> a developper with some 35 years of experience ?

It is very difficult to discern attitude and intent through email.  I
agree he was impatient, but I don't think you can necessarily say he was

> In APTANA IDE , despite all efforts, all installations, all PYTHON
> scripts correctly written,  all docs I could read, this very simple
> instruction does not work :
> import win32 
> (and of course all instructions like : from win32 import xxx)

Can you describe where you saw instructions that said exactly that?  As
has been pointed out earlier, the "pywin32" package does not contain an
import package called win32.  For example, if you want to launch Excel
as a COM object, you say:

    import win32com.client
    xxx = win32com.client.Dispatch( "Excel.Application" )

Have you actually installed the PyWin32 extensions to Python?  They
aren't included in the raw distributions.

> TARGET of the project : import/export EXCEL datasheets, and build
> ExtJS scripts in several languages. 
> Only PYTHON seems to achieve it better/faster than PHP, BUT import
> win32  is  mandatory.

The Win32 extensions to Python live in import packages that are not
called "win32".

Now, it is QUITE possible that the IDE you are using has its own
extension called "win32".  If so, we wouldn't know anything about that
in this forum.  You'd have to check the IDE's documentation.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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