[python-win32] Request for comments

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Fri May 30 10:10:51 CEST 2008

[Ton van Vliet]
> IMHO the links could be a bit more visible.
> When looking at the 'Where do I begin' paragraph, it took me quite some 
> time to notice that there *were* actually links in there (after being 
> taken there by clicking on the 'Where do I begin' link in the left hand 
> column already several times)
> Using Opera and FF on W2K at 1600x1200

[Larry Bates]
> On my monitors the blue links look "fuzzy".
> Table of contents blue on blue is hard for me to read.
> While I'm not crazy about the pink background, that is 
> probably a personal preference.
> (Windows XP Pro, running dual monitors at 1600 x 1200). 

Thanks, Larry and Ton. FWIW, my visual design skills are pretty
much nil. The best I can hope for is "clean and workmanlike". 
I inherited most of the Sphinx default styles (including
that red-on-pink for the warning) and adjusted a few, not least
to make a clear distinction from the official Python docs.

For now, I've modifed the styles to something a little more bland,
using the conventional blue for links and a mild grey for the sidebar.
I've left the red-on-pink, partly because it only appears for warnings
and if it jars a bit, well that's probably not a bad thing in the circs.
While I do want the appearance to be both attractive and readable,
I'm trying to avoid spending too much time poking at RGB codes in
the hope of achieving Visual Nirvana :)

The front page is in one way the most important page and I'm not
at all sure I've got it right yet. (Suggestions will be appreciated). But
for now, my focus is getting content in, without which the front page
is so much vapourware.

Thanks v. much for the input. Keep it coming.


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