[python-win32] Request for comments

Ton van Vliet ton.vanvliet at skynet.be
Fri May 30 09:42:46 CEST 2008

On Thu, 22 May 2008 17:21:47 +0100, you wrote:

>I have a request of the python-win32 community. Have a look at:
>In particular, click through to the section on the Registry 
>(which is the only section which has anything useful in it!)
>and then tell me what you think. About anything. The contents,
>the style, the colours, the colors, the depth of examples, the
>notes. What should be there? What shouldn't? How much overlap
>there should be with other sources of documentation? How much
>should just be links across? Should I reproduce the pywin32 docs
>verbatim. (Difficult: I've got a branch which is trying. Very trying).
>Points to bear in mind:
>  * This is very alpha
>  * I'm using Sphinx but I've done very little with its capabilities
>  * The examples I've put together work: you can drop them straight 
>onto an interpreter window and run them. But is that a desirable goal.
>  * My intention is that this be a community effort. (The source is actually
>hosted at Google Code).
>  * This URL (probably) won't be its final resting place.
>In particular, it will be very clear as you read that I'm 100% sure where 
>I'm going with it yet. But at the very least I want lots of examples which, 
>even in passing, semi-document the kind of stuff which people ask about
>on python-win32 and python-list.
>Enough babble from me. Have a look.


IMHO the links could be a bit more visible.

When looking at the 'Where do I begin' paragraph, it took me quite some time to notice that there *were* actually links in there (after being taken there by clicking on the 'Where do I begin' link in the left hand column already several times)

Using Opera and FF on W2K at 1600x1200

Looking forward to using the contents.


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