[python-win32] gencache module and read-only access to python dir

Ross McKerchar it at crummock.com
Tue Jun 19 15:38:44 CEST 2007

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> Ross McKerchar wrote:
>> b) Let me know if there's a more robust way of preventing the cache 
>> write (there appears to be code supporting freezing functionality that 
>> should help but I couldn't figure out a neat way of using it)
> I think you should read 
> http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/UsingEnsureDispatch. I happened to have 
> the same problem generating the cache of an OCX library. I implemented a 
> function which before py2exe'ing my binary would make sure the local 
> python cache is completely removed. Also added the wiki code to my own.
Brilliant - with help from the link above, I got python to use a per 
user (and hence writable) gen_yp dir simply by removing the global one.

Many thanks


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