[python-win32] Backing up and clearing event logs

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Mon Jul 23 20:59:59 CEST 2007

Roger Upole wrote:
> Tim Golden wrote:
>> PS As a footnote, I have this very frustrating experience where
>> *some* people -- and it looks to me as though you're one of
>> them -- get the property passthrough stuff for free (ie it would
>> happen even without my module) where I never do. I've never
>> managed to track this down. TJG
> The difference is most likely due to whether or not the makepy
> generated module has been created for WMI objects.
> If it has, only the standard methods from the typelib are
> directly available (_Properties, _Methods, etc).
>         Roger

Thanks, Roger. That was my thought, too, but I tried
it backwards, forwards, with, without and still
couldn't get it to happen for me. (It was a while
ago and I probably wasn't very methodical but...)

At some point I'll sit down calmly and give it
another go, but there's no real incentive for
me. It's just curious.


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