[python-win32] Getting pywin32 build number

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu May 25 14:32:32 CEST 2006

> I support Justin's request: the pywin32.version.txt has been a big step
> forward, but it is still not easy to get this information (in a reliable
> way) from within user code. Python packages usually provide a
> __version__ variable in their __init__.py.

pywin32 has a few __init__.py files, and I'm reluctant to introduce a
process that means many files need to be checked into CVS during the
build/release process due to this.  I'm not sure the pain that would cost me
with each release is worth the pain it saves the few people who really need
to fetch this programatically.  After all, Pythonwin itself just locates
this .txt file as that was simpler than anything more intrusive.

> It is true that pywin32 has a lot of modules, so you must use some trick
> to avoid having to update each __init__.py manually before a release.

I'm open to patches that meet this compromise...



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