[python-win32] EventLog Parsing

Richard Eibrand richard.eibrand at propylon.com
Wed Sep 29 10:39:59 CEST 2004

Hi All,

My first foray into the world of python, and I'm liking it ;-)

I have to write a prog to monitor the windows event log files, and that in  
itself is not a problem for the three standard EventLog files  
(Application, Security and System). The thing is that I do not have access  
to the machine I am writting the app for, so I got a copy of the event  
files and loaded it into the mmc.

What I'd like to do, is to read the new event file that was loaded into  
the mmc via using the python app that I'm writting, any  
ideas/thoughts/suggestions whether this is possible or not?

All the best,


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