[python-win32] Slow COM since Office XP migration

BETIS Alexandre A.BETIS at csee-transport.fr
Wed Oct 20 11:21:30 CEST 2004

[I am reposting this because of a hard-to-read previous post
(I won't name the mail client culprit, everybody knows it)

Hello to all,

I am sure there must be some hints about this somewhere, but I
can't seem to find a frank and clear answer to this problem. I
hope I will find it here.

I have used the python win32com package succesfully for
automating boring Word doc generation. This worked at the speed
of light using Word 97. Lately, though, my company upgraded to
Office XP. 

Since then, my python scripts have continued to work fine, but
the response time has increased dramatically. This is kind of
problematic for me. Quick response time is pivotal to an
efficient doc generation.

Can anyone suggest an option for me? I have tried using static
COM. The problem remains. This really looks like something out
of python.

Note: I have an 'OfficeScan' installed on my machine. I suspect
this can also be the problem, but I need to be sure, since this
piece of software is not something I can uninstall on my own


-- Alex

PS: This COM package for python should be placed on the vatican
list for sainthood.

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