[python-win32] NT service

Blake Winton bwinton at latte.ca
Wed Nov 10 16:25:11 CET 2004

Tim Golden wrote:
> | Thanks, it's the vocabulary that misses to me. I've walking through 
> | the article and came to the conclusion that I better have to use 
> | dll interaction with winlogon.exe and to send a signal to the NT service.
> | I'm now looking for a way to write such a dll in python so if someone
> | has any idea ... even just tell me if it's possible ...
> Strictly, you can't write a DLL in Python.

Perhaps that's strictly true, but you could use Pyrex to write in a very 
Python-like language that then gets translated to C (and distutils will 
happily create a .pyd file, which is identical to a .dll file, other 
than the last three letters of the filename).

 > If you were up to it,
> you could write a DLL in C (or whatever), catch the winlogon
> notifications, and then -- somehow -- notify your service.
> My advice stops there, because it's *years* since I had to
> write a DLL, and I've pretty much forgotten how.

If you need any help going down this route, please feel free to email 
me, and I'll show you what I've got working so far, and how the various 
pieces fit together.  I should say that I'm only about halfway to 
getting my stuff working, and it's going kind of slowly, but it is 
moving forward, and I haven't hit any insurmountable blocks yet.


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