[python-win32] py2exe Probs with Visual SourceSafe TLB

Andreas Maurer pyama at snafu.de
Fri Feb 27 06:25:42 EST 2004

Hi everybody,

I've written a little script using the Visual SourceSafe
automation lib. I've also accoplished the makepy utility
for this lib.
When I'm running the script with the common python interpreter
also works fine.

When I compile it, I Get some problems with some VSS Attributes

Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File "get_VSS.py", line 150, in ? 
    SSTopLevelPrj = SSTopLevelPrj.GetVersion(VSSVer) 
  File "win32com\client\dynamic.pyo", line 477, in __getattr__ 
AttributeError: VSSItem.GetVersion

The GetVersion-attrib doesn't appear in "normal" SourceSafe.
Python (makepy) will change the Version get property to the
GetVersion method.

Any way, the same problem I see with constants like

How can I tell the py2exe compiler to use this things?

Some description of my environment:

Python: ver. 2.3.3
py2exe: ver. 0.5.0
win32all: build 200
os: W2k with SP3

Thank you for any help


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