[python-win32] Active Scripting in Python

David W. Harks dave at psys.org
Fri Sep 5 06:58:48 EDT 2003

On Thursday 04 September 2003 1:49 pm, Austine Jane expounded thusly:
> I donwloaded win32all for Python 2.3 and installed it.
> I manually run pyscript.py and it returned "successfully registered"
> message.
> For a simple test(on client side), I created the following html:
> <script language=Python>
> alert("hello world")
> </script>
> And opened it in IE6.0 on WinXP.  Unfortunately, it doesn't show
> anything.
> After googling, I tried "pyscript.py --debug" and the trace collector
> shows:
> Object with win32trace dispatcher created (object=None)
> in _InvokeEx_ with GetInterfaceSafetyOptions 0 1
> (IID('{BB1A2AE2-A4F9-11CF-8F20-00805F2CD064}'),) None None
> in _InvokeEx_ with GetInterfaceSafetyOptions 0 1
> (IID('{BB1A2AE1-A4F9-11CF-8F20-00805F2CD064}'),) None None
> Am I doing something stupid?
> Jane


pyscript.py registers Python as an Active Scripting agent -- that's a 
*server-side* language. You'd need to run IIS and use:

<% LANGUAGE = Python %>

Then, if you access the pages *through the web server* you should be able to 
use python scripts in the pages.

See also http://starship.python.net/crew/pirx/asp/py_asp.html for a Python/ASP 


David W. Harks <dave at psys.org>  http://dwblog.psys.org

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