[python-win32] Active Scripting in Python

Jeff Shannon jeff at ccvcorp.com
Thu Sep 4 14:26:54 EDT 2003

Austine Jane wrote:
> I donwloaded win32all for Python 2.3 and installed it.
> I manually run pyscript.py and it returned "successfully registered"
> message.
> For a simple test(on client side), I created the following html:
> <script language=Python>
> alert("hello world")
> </script>
> And opened it in IE6.0 on WinXP.  Unfortunately, it doesn't show
> anything.

Is this embedded within a full html page?  (I.e., is it wrapped with 
at least <html></html> tags?)  If not, that may be the problem.

Also, Python is much pickier than VB/Jscript about specifying the full 
namespace of objects.  Where's this alert() coming from?  You may need 
to specify it as belonging to the document or the application object.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

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