[python-win32] Urgent reg Type conversion in Python

Sachin S.Suresh sureshsubbiah at india.com
Tue Oct 28 06:48:51 EST 2003

hi ppl,
fine and how r u?
i've got a  problem with the c++  com object usage in python.

i've imported and could able to create an pythin object of a com dll
file using win32com.client library.

<< dll file name is RouterClient.dll and the class name is
RouterClass. RouterClass has a member function such as 
SendMsgToTheServer(int,BSTR)-c++ convention)>>

the code i've used to create is,

import win32com.client

obj = win32com.client.Dispatch("RouterClient.RouterClass")

msg = '0100000000101000076xxxxx'

# 432 is the channel used to send the message


Now the problem comes,
if i run this file say sender.py, i've one error message as :

line 34, in SendMsgToTheServer

TypeError: The VARIANT type is unknown (0000001e)

Some observation i found :

* if i create that object in PythonWin editor and while trying to
call that

SendMsgToTheServer(), once i put this open brace, i could c the
parameter data types as,
obj.SendToTheServer(KeyRange = <PyOleEmpty object at
0x0121cCB38,Message = <PyOleEmpty object at 0x0121cCB38)

* The same funtion called from c++ as using the following type
conversion as,

SendToTheServer(452,BSTR(msg)) ... here it works properly

      My problem here is, how can i typecast that message according
to the above desriptions in our python script and send to the server.
   One more thing , My Project Manager asked me no to include any
C/C++ code here with the source code and only python code has to be
Can u ppl help me out in this Type error??

Eagerly expecting ur reply ..... plz a bit urgent......

bye...take care

Keeeeeeeeeeep (s)mailing
Sachin S.Suresh

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