[python-win32] Re: embedding an excel object

Peter Schay pschay@pobox.com
Sat, 15 Feb 2003 17:19:10 -0800 (PST)

Thanks for the encouragement! Yes, I have the O'Reilly
book and I'm doing what I can to figure this out
myself.  I will follow up on the google pointer you
suggested.  Still, the main reason I sent a query to
this list was that I suspected the answer might be an
easy one for somebody.  I fear that it's definitely
going to take me some time on my own, and I would love
to get this working sooner rather than later.
I tried to call win32com.client.GetObject() with the
clsid of the Excel thing I found with the OLE/COM
browser, but I got an error.  Is that the right way to
start?  Does GetObject() create an instance of a
registered server interface or am I on the wrong

So far I *have* had some success with COM clients and
servers but I am obviously still a beginner here.

--- Don Dwiggins <d.l.dwiggins@computer.org> wrote:
> Peter Schay writes:
> > I'm having a blast with Python and Pythonwin; they
> are
> > both really impressive.  Normally I like to figure
> > things out myself but there's just too much I
> don't
> > know at this point.  I hope somebody can offer
> > suggestions for how I can do the following:
> Sounds like you're well into exploring the
> possibilities.  If you haven't
> already, I strongly recommend that you get Hammond &
> Robinson's book "Python
> programming for Win32" (an O'Reilly book); much of
> what you're asking is
> there, or can be figured out from there.  
> I'd also recommend you visit Microsoft's MSDN pages,
> where you can find more
> than you ever wanted to know about automating Excel
> (try Googling for [msdn
> "excel object model"] to get quick access to the
> right place).  Warning:
> Excel has one of the hairiest models I've run across
> -- don't try to figure
> it all out, but start with what you want to
> accomplish and drill into what
> looks like the right area ASAP.  Plan to do a lot of
> experimenting in
> Pythonwin.
> Happy hunting,
> -- 
> Don Dwiggins			 "Experience is what you get when
> d.l.dwiggins@computer.org         you were expecting
> something else."
>                                   -- Seen on an
> office wall
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