[python-win32] Re: embedding an excel object

Don Dwiggins d.l.dwiggins@computer.org
Fri, 14 Feb 2003 23:50:01 +0000 (UTC)

Peter Schay writes:
> I'm having a blast with Python and Pythonwin; they are
> both really impressive.  Normally I like to figure
> things out myself but there's just too much I don't
> know at this point.  I hope somebody can offer
> suggestions for how I can do the following:

Sounds like you're well into exploring the possibilities.  If you haven't
already, I strongly recommend that you get Hammond & Robinson's book "Python
programming for Win32" (an O'Reilly book); much of what you're asking is
there, or can be figured out from there.  

I'd also recommend you visit Microsoft's MSDN pages, where you can find more
than you ever wanted to know about automating Excel (try Googling for [msdn
"excel object model"] to get quick access to the right place).  Warning:
Excel has one of the hairiest models I've run across -- don't try to figure
it all out, but start with what you want to accomplish and drill into what
looks like the right area ASAP.  Plan to do a lot of experimenting in

Happy hunting,

Don Dwiggins			 "Experience is what you get when
d.l.dwiggins@computer.org         you were expecting something else."
                                  -- Seen on an office wall