[python-nl] Presentations slides

Kuno Woudt kuno at frob.nl
Fri Apr 20 22:26:41 CEST 2012


On 20/04/12 03:04, Jasper Spaans wrote:
> Like... Grunn? (I guess that event conflicts a bit with the regular schedule).
> (And there are currently two empty seats in my car doing Delft-Den Haag-Groningen and back that day, so if you need a ride and live along that route, let me know.)

I'm interested, however I cannot commit to it as I will be arriving in the Netherlands on may 10th, and I may be too jet-lagged to be able to go to PyGrunn.  (I live in Rotterdam, which seems close enough to Delft :). 

-- kuno / warp.

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