pip/setuptools: Entry points not visible from pkexec-root-environment

c.buhtz at posteo.jp c.buhtz at posteo.jp
Mon Dec 19 03:36:34 EST 2022

Dear Chris,
thanks for asking back and my apologize for being to broad in my way of 
asking (in a foreign language).

Am 19.12.2022 07:40 schrieb Chris Angelico:
> Hmm, then I'm not sure what you're *losing* here. The problem, as I
> understand it, is that the scripts are getting installed into
> /usr/local/bin (which is on PATH at the time they're installed), but
> pkexec has a restricted PATH. So if you use which before pkexec'ing,
> wouldn't you find the scripts, and then be able to run them without
> regard to PATH?

Absolut correct. This works.

The question is if this is a "good" or "elegant" way from the viewpoint 
of different communities/projects (e.g. Python, setuptools, pip, other 
build-systems, distros, something I forgot).

I assume that I'm not the first person with such a use case. So there 
could be solutions out there. Maybe they are standardized solutions out 
there; e.g. a magic feature of setuptools or pip I haven't noticed yet.

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