Scraping of Google Map to get the address of locations for given geocodes.

Michio Suginoo msuginoo at
Thu Sep 2 19:12:19 EDT 2021

Dear all,
I have the following question regarding how to scrape Google Map to get
address based on a given list of geocodes.
Given a list of geocodes (latitude; longitude) of locations, I would like
to scrape municipalities of all the spots in the list. How can I do that?

For example, I have

  lat      lon

1)     -34.5722317      -58.4314464

2)     -34.553906       -58.4520949

3)     -34.5661444      -58.4964289

4)     -34.5648053      -58.4431567

5)     -34.5664089      -58.4323004

6)     -34.5664089      -58.4323004

And I want to get the name of municipality (city/town), or alternatively
the address, of each location.

I would appreciate it, if anyone can advise me how to do that.


Best regards


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