learning python ...

Michael F. Stemper mstemper at gmail.com
Tue May 25 12:38:27 EDT 2021

On 24/05/2021 23.08, hw wrote:
> On 5/25/21 12:37 AM, Greg Ewing wrote:

>> Python does have references to *objects*. All objects live on
>> the heap and are kept alive as long as there is at least one
>> reference to them.
>> If you rebind a name, and it held the last reference to an
>> object, there is no way to get that object back.
> Are all names references?  When I pass a name as a parameter to a 
> function, does the object the name is referring to, when altered by the 
> function, still appear altered after the function has returned?  I 
> wouldn't expect that ...

I just ran a quick check and java (Ack, spit) does the same thing.

Michael F. Stemper
Isaiah 10:1-2

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