python mariadb & html tables

SS sami.strat at
Tue Sep 15 14:41:04 EDT 2020

I'm trying to create an table in html from a Maria DB table, from a python script.  I'm getting some unexpected results.  

The environment is Centos 7, I'm using Python3 with apache.

Here is copy of the script I'm using:

******* SCRIPT START *********

import mysql.connector
import cgitb

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

mycursor = mydb.cursor()

mycursor.execute("select name, provisioned_space, used_space, memory_size, cpus, ip_address, host_cpu, host_mem from projecttable where name like '%newproject%'")

myresult = mycursor.fetchall()

print "Content-type: text/plain:charset=utf-8"
for x in myresult:

******* SCRIPT STOPS *********

It works.  But I get alot of extraneous data I don't need or want.  Here is an example of the output:

********* OUTPUT STARTS ***********

Content-type: text/plain:charset=utf-8

(u'', u'106.11 GB', u'32.72 GB', u'1 GB', u'1', u'', u'Running', u'16 MHz')
(u'', u'106.08 GB', u'56.87 GB', u'1 GB', u'1', u'', u'Running', u'0 Hz')

********* OUTPUT STOPS ***********

Is this typical of Python?  Do I need create another script to clean up the output?  Or is there a better way to extract data from a MariaDB instance, and put it in an HTML table? Any advise would be appreciated.


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