Have you some experience / link about difference between Python builded with gcc and clang?

Marco Sulla Marco.Sulla.Python at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 19:53:26 EDT 2020

Well, I suppose we have a winner:


Performance version: 1.0.0
Report on Linux-4.15.0-76-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.27
Number of logical CPUs: 4
Start date: 2020-03-13 19:36:17.585796
End date: 2020-03-13 20:35:09.605718


Performance version: 1.0.0
Report on Linux-4.15.0-76-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.27
Number of logical CPUs: 4
Start date: 2020-03-13 20:55:54.239018
End date: 2020-03-13 21:59:19.778522

| Benchmark               | pyperf_bench_3_8_gcc_9_2.json |
pyperf_bench_3_8_clang_9.json | Change       | Significance            |
| 2to3                    | 477 ms                        | 527 ms
               | 1.11x slower | Significant (t=-210.10) |
| chameleon               | 13.2 ms                       | 15.9 ms
              | 1.20x slower | Significant (t=-123.35) |
| chaos                   | 155 ms                        | 193 ms
               | 1.25x slower | Significant (t=-176.57) |
| crypto_pyaes            | 158 ms                        | 195 ms
               | 1.24x slower | Significant (t=-81.20)  |
| deltablue               | 10.2 ms                       | 12.1 ms
              | 1.19x slower | Significant (t=-50.11)  |
| django_template         | 69.4 ms                       | 80.9 ms
              | 1.17x slower | Significant (t=-77.25)  |
| dulwich_log             | 106 ms                        | 113 ms
               | 1.06x slower | Significant (t=-62.12)  |
| fannkuch                | 659 ms                        | 789 ms
               | 1.20x slower | Significant (t=-62.44)  |
| float                   | 165 ms                        | 198 ms
               | 1.20x slower | Significant (t=-124.75) |
| genshi_text             | 40.5 ms                       | 46.6 ms
              | 1.15x slower | Significant (t=-111.00) |
| genshi_xml              | 87.3 ms                       | 97.2 ms
              | 1.11x slower | Significant (t=-66.48)  |
| go                      | 361 ms                        | 434 ms
               | 1.20x slower | Significant (t=-136.23) |
| hexiom                  | 14.0 ms                       | 16.4 ms
              | 1.17x slower | Significant (t=-103.53) |
| html5lib                | 143 ms                        | 157 ms
               | 1.10x slower | Significant (t=-14.52)  |
| json_dumps              | 18.2 ms                       | 20.8 ms
              | 1.14x slower | Significant (t=-82.67)  |
| json_loads              | 42.9 us                       | 46.0 us
              | 1.07x slower | Significant (t=-42.16)  |
| logging_format          | 13.8 us                       | 16.2 us
              | 1.17x slower | Significant (t=-72.21)  |
| logging_silent          | 265 ns                        | 332 ns
               | 1.25x slower | Significant (t=-70.39)  |
| logging_simple          | 12.4 us                       | 14.6 us
              | 1.18x slower | Significant (t=-73.84)  |
| mako                    | 23.3 ms                       | 27.9 ms
              | 1.20x slower | Significant (t=-159.94) |
| mdp                     | 4.04 sec                      | 4.48 sec
               | 1.11x slower | Significant (t=-213.27) |
| meteor_contest          | 164 ms                        | 170 ms
               | 1.04x slower | Significant (t=-21.36)  |
| nbody                   | 191 ms                        | 228 ms
               | 1.19x slower | Significant (t=-218.81) |
| nqueens                 | 135 ms                        | 164 ms
               | 1.22x slower | Significant (t=-177.49) |
| pathlib                 | 31.9 ms                       | 34.2 ms
              | 1.07x slower | Significant (t=-57.08)  |
| pickle                  | 16.4 us                       | 15.7 us
              | 1.05x faster | Significant (t=6.08)    |
| pickle_dict             | 40.3 us                       | 42.8 us
              | 1.06x slower | Significant (t=-49.42)  |
| pickle_list             | 6.58 us                       | 6.15 us
              | 1.07x faster | Significant (t=47.82)   |
| pickle_pure_python      | 641 us                        | 746 us
               | 1.16x slower | Significant (t=-93.74)  |
| pidigits                | 268 ms                        | 311 ms
               | 1.16x slower | Significant (t=-965.71) |
| pyflate                 | 969 ms                        | 1.16 sec
               | 1.19x slower | Significant (t=-136.22) |
| python_startup          | 14.7 ms                       | 13.8 ms
              | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=451.70)  |
| python_startup_no_site  | 10.1 ms                       | 9.66 ms
              | 1.04x faster | Significant (t=313.35)  |
| raytrace                | 678 ms                        | 825 ms
               | 1.22x slower | Significant (t=-138.92) |
| regex_compile           | 254 ms                        | 294 ms
               | 1.16x slower | Significant (t=-92.31)  |
| regex_dna               | 294 ms                        | 300 ms
               | 1.02x slower | Not significant         |
| regex_effbot            | 4.43 ms                       | 5.15 ms
              | 1.16x slower | Significant (t=-104.93) |
| regex_v8                | 34.4 ms                       | 35.4 ms
              | 1.03x slower | Significant (t=-9.57)   |
| richards                | 96.5 ms                       | 121 ms
               | 1.26x slower | Significant (t=-90.84)  |
| scimark_fft             | 502 ms                        | 603 ms
               | 1.20x slower | Significant (t=-177.78) |
| scimark_lu              | 207 ms                        | 254 ms
               | 1.22x slower | Significant (t=-79.82)  |
| scimark_monte_carlo     | 147 ms                        | 181 ms
               | 1.24x slower | Significant (t=-97.62)  |
| scimark_sor             | 279 ms                        | 339 ms
               | 1.21x slower | Significant (t=-85.97)  |
| scimark_sparse_mat_mult | 6.54 ms                       | 7.67 ms
              | 1.17x slower | Significant (t=-54.66)  |
| spectral_norm           | 194 ms                        | 233 ms
               | 1.20x slower | Significant (t=-211.46) |
| sqlalchemy_declarative  | 259 ms                        | 269 ms
               | 1.04x slower | Significant (t=-21.30)  |
| sqlalchemy_imperative   | 48.8 ms                       | 52.0 ms
              | 1.06x slower | Significant (t=-15.79)  |
| sqlite_synth            | 4.34 us                       | 4.81 us
              | 1.11x slower | Significant (t=-34.82)  |
| sympy_expand            | 722 ms                        | 761 ms
               | 1.05x slower | Significant (t=-19.09)  |
| sympy_integrate         | 36.5 ms                       | 39.0 ms
              | 1.07x slower | Significant (t=-59.33)  |
| sympy_str               | 485 ms                        | 519 ms
               | 1.07x slower | Significant (t=-35.88)  |
| sympy_sum               | 321 ms                        | 341 ms
               | 1.06x slower | Significant (t=-46.38)  |
| telco                   | 9.03 ms                       | 9.97 ms
              | 1.10x slower | Significant (t=-37.14)  |
| tornado_http            | 234 ms                        | 246 ms
               | 1.05x slower | Significant (t=-17.41)  |
| unpack_sequence         | 94.7 ns                       | 102 ns
               | 1.07x slower | Significant (t=-46.75)  |
| unpickle                | 20.6 us                       | 24.9 us
              | 1.21x slower | Significant (t=-53.21)  |
| unpickle_list           | 6.69 us                       | 6.55 us
              | 1.02x faster | Significant (t=7.28)    |
| unpickle_pure_python    | 451 us                        | 544 us
               | 1.21x slower | Significant (t=-105.28) |
| xml_etree_generate      | 135 ms                        | 156 ms
               | 1.15x slower | Significant (t=-68.77)  |
| xml_etree_iterparse     | 158 ms                        | 174 ms
               | 1.10x slower | Significant (t=-59.12)  |
| xml_etree_parse         | 232 ms                        | 258 ms
               | 1.11x slower | Significant (t=-53.95)  |
| xml_etree_process       | 108 ms                        | 123 ms
               | 1.14x slower | Significant (t=-95.42)  |

I think that the competition with clang has moved GCC.

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