Please solve this problem

Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards at
Mon Mar 9 14:09:37 EDT 2020

On 2020-03-09, David Raymond <David.Raymond at> wrote:
>> It was a problem and it was solved.
>> Check the second or third e-mail in the thread.
>> Thank you.
> The first email was blank,
> The second email was from the same person and just said "Rply if solved"
> The third was a sarcastic reply to the blank emails with just: "Solved, answer is:"
> The fourth was Wildman trying to helpfully let them know nothing came through.
> And the fifth was you saying there was both a problem and a solution.

It's always September _somewhere_.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I'm GLAD I
                                  at               remembered to XEROX all
                                my UNDERSHIRTS!!

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