Possible Addition to Python Language: Marked Sub-condition

DL Neil PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Sun Mar 8 15:26:04 EDT 2020

On 8/03/20 11:05 PM, Shrinivas Kulkarni wrote:
> Hello Everyone
> While writing python code, I frequently come across the need to do
> certain tasks based on combined conditions.
> Much of the task for all the sub-conditions are common but some are
> specific to one or more of these sub-conditions.

The specification is incomplete.

In a real-time system, one has to decide whether the cascade of 
decisions is to be taken with a single set of data taken at a single 
point-in-time (suggestions for which appear in earlier replies), *or* if 
the nature of the system requires that the values within the 
sub-conditions might change between the various stages of the 
program(me). In which case, there would be no alternative to taking 
multiple samples from the signal-sources, as-and-when required.

Either way, Python is capable of handling the situation.

Regards =dn

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