repair modify uninstall

Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards at
Wed Jun 10 23:30:00 EDT 2020

On 2020-06-11, Michael Torrie <torriem at> wrote:

> Since this comes up on a weekly basis, perhaps the installer should open
> that web page to section 3.8.1 after a successful installation.  Maybe
> users would read that short section and not try to run the installer
> over and over again.  Or since that can be annoying, a prominent "how to
> get started" link to click on.  I dunno.

Suggestions like this also get made regularly.  I'm baffled why the
Python installer doesn't display an initial screen that says something

     This is the Python INSTALLER.  If you have installed Python,
     here's what you do to run it:

        <I don't know what goes here since I don't use Windows>

     Click the buttons below only if you want to INSTALL, UNINSTALL,
     or REPAIR Python. See the above instruction to use/run Python.

> I'm not sure why users think the installer is the python interpreter
> after running it the first time, but apparently many do.

Indeed.  Is the file name not clear that it's an installer?


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